{ Oracle Origin Story :: Update }

Oracle Fine Curiosities was founded in 2013 by psychologist Carrie Parker and artist/illustrator Jane Almirall. Oracle, a natural science and oddities shop with an interest in divination tools, attracted a beautiful community of customers and clients who were interested in science, art and metaphysical ephemera. Not long after opening it’s doors, Oracle entered a partnership with artist, Alessandra Dzuba, whose background in entomology and osteology became the literal backbone (*articulated spine) of the shop.


In November of 2017, Ms. Dzuba assumed sole ownership of Oracle - now Oracle Natural Science - and has continued to grow the community of natural science enthusiasts as well as spiritual growth seekers, healers and artists with her sustainable and thoughtfully curated space. Alessandra Dzuba continues her work as an artist, www.alessandradzuba.com, and showcases her one of a kind works and assemblage pieces at Every Day Original, which can be found here.


Carrie Parker has turned her focus on her intuitive counseling practice, Sacred Psyche, and has opened a beautiful space for her clients located in the Historic Tower East neighborhood at 901 East 31st St., KCMO 64109. Ms. Parker hosts events and workshops which explore a variety of divination modalities, all of which can be found on her site, www.yoursacredpsyche.com and on instagram.


Jane Almirall has returned to her first love, competitive hot dog eating. I kid! Ms. Almirall is creating an oracle divination deck, collaborating with fellow artists and creators, as well as teaching workshops and reading Tarot for clients. Her illustrations and drawings can be found at www.janealmirall.net, and on her instagram.


{ Mentat Monday }

Hi Y'all, I hope you had a great weekend! Are you ready to dig into this week's focus card? It's a good one....

Ace of Swords

In Tarot, Swords always represent the intellect and mental process of the querent. Our rational minds provide us with the necessary tools to discern between illusion and truth and the Ace of this suit is indicative of the beginning of that clarity. 

We are approaching a 'break-through' of with our insight and perception. Ace of Swords suggests that we hold steady, to better know - and therefore speak - our truth. 

We have great intellectual potential and mental capacity, Y'all. Let's do this thing!

 *These tarot card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!    


{ Mother's Day Monday }

Yes, it's the day after Mother's Day, but who am I to miss out on a perfect alliteration when opportunity presents itself? In the spirit of honoring motherhood (in all the forms this archetype can represent), I decided to choose a card deliberately today. Our focus card for the week is none other than the ultimate 'Mother' in Tarot, The Empress.

The Empress represents all things nurturing, including the experiences of conception, gestation, birth, guidance and the care needed to facilitate growth. Qualities associated with this card are patience, creativity, fertility, nature, wisdom, abundance, beauty and the capacity for giving and receiving love. 

When the Empress turns up in your reading, she is usually there to herald a time of directionless, explosive creativity. While the directionless part is a little scary, I always take this as good news, as my old ass can always use some youthful energy with my visionary rebirth. And how do we apply the lessons of the Empress? Baby your ideas, give them patience and care - cultivate a healthy environment for them to thrive in and then watch them develop into something good. Remember to be receptive to this type of fertile energy when you feel it, and don't be afraid to get weird, y'all - the Arts and Sciences (and all of us other weirdos) need you. 

 *These tarot card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!    


{ Mingledingle Monday }

I felt like this week really called for one of those loud and clear kinds of messages, so I went to my beautiful Scrying Ink deck for guidance. This week's focus card is really keeping in theme with our last couple of card pulls (Hanged Man and Nine of Swords), hold on to your butts because this week I pulled.....



Ah yes, Broom. In traditional Lenormand decks this card is presented with the Whip, but this particular deck takes that message one step further by being even more specific. Broom is indicative of clearing away, separation, dissolution and truth - it also signifies a time for some fresh starts. Unlike the argumentative nature of Whip, Broom is more of a cleansing card, sweeping away lies and unhealthy situations to give way to a new beginning.

Lenormand Broom (Whip) is represented by the Jack of Clubs (AKA Page of Wands) in cartomancy, which means this is also a time that is ripe with opportunity. It's good for us to embrace this change with positivity and enthusiasm, but to keep our impulsiveness in check. Change is not easy, Y'all. I know some of you may be experiencing some difficult or uncomfortable transitions right now and it might be hard to keep your chin up about it. Broom here is letting you know that you are making room in your heart for things which truly enrich your soul, and you will come out of this a happier, healthier person. 

We have been working on changing our perspective, on breaking our bad mental habits and now we are being asked to really clear the air and make space for those new possibilities that are opening for us. Let's do this shit!

 *These tarot card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!