{ Magic Monday }

Is everyone ready for the Solar Eclipse (Of The Heart)? I'm SUPEREXCITED about it. The eclipse is bringing about some rapid change and it's a good idea for us to be ready to embrace the things which are out of our control (chaos). Adding to that, we have a new moon, making this a good time to let go of the things which no longer serve you and to work with this current of energy rather than try to fight against it. New beginnings Y'all, let's get into it! I pulled some cards to help us navigate through this - check it out:

- King of Swords - Well, good news! For those of you playing at home, the King of Swords was last card I pulled from last week's reading. Today it represents where we are, so it appears that we have been doing our work, so to speak. Sharing information and knowledge ~ while being receptive to the wisdom and counsel of others ~ we are using our intellectual and analytical strengths to come to a place of fairness with others. 

- Page of Wands - So, it's super hard to sit still and not act on all the the inspiration and revelations we are experiencing right now. It's easy to get swept up in the impulsive energy surrounding this card - but we still need to slow our roll. The opportunities presenting themselves are just the kind to feed our creative spirit, but we are lacking the experience and maturity necessary to bring these things to fruition. Keep your sense of adventure alive, but don't be too quick to make a move - slow and steady Y'all.

-Six of Cups - By allowing things to slow down, we can better embrace the memory and feelings of more carefree days. This card always talks about feeling connected to the joy, innocence and ease of childhood - I know this is not true for all of us, for many our childhoods can be a memory bank for trauma and hurt. I think what this means is, we can cultivate the feelings of playful ease if we give ourselves permission to experience magic. Did y'all have imaginary friends? Imaginary epic battles? Make potions out of mud and whatever else you could find in the yard? I think all children are pretty witchy and their sense of wonder and magic can get shamed out of us as we get older. Fuck that noise! Time to get in touch with your intuition and really flex your imagination muscles. Try to remember the things which give you real joy and revisit those things!


*These tarot card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!    

{ Three Card Monday }

Hi! Hi! Did y'all have a good weekend? I was in bed for most of it with Throat Plague (hallucinating with an assist from Benadryl), a condition which rendered my judgement...poor, and which prompted me to accompany my convalescence with the offerings from YouTube. Don't ever do this, Y'all. One awful YouTube video led to another, and another and eventually I found myself spiraling into a wormhole of garbage. Did you know there are entire videos that feature people just going through bags of their empty bottles? I know too much now and I feel dumber for it. 

Anyways, let's look at this week - may it not be a tire fire....

Good news! Not a tire fire!

- The Empress -  All right, here we are, The Empress. This card is about an explosion of creativity, in which we don't yet have a sense of direction. The Empress is a nurturer, the quintessential Earth Mother, and we are in a crucial time of gestation. This requires patience from us - first and foremost - as well as love and creativity, to develop our ideas. The Empress has the capacity to give and receive from a balanced heart, we are in a good place to cultivate this harmony - so keep tending to your beautiful seedlings.

- Seven of Cups - Of course, our challenge lies in the fact that we have SO MANY ideas and projects in mind that we run the risk of drowning in them rather than expressing them and bringing them to fruition. Seven of Cups is about inspiration and fantasy, if we are unable to manifest our creativity in a constructive way, then all those brilliant designs remain in ineffectual perpetuity. Prioritize your thoughts and energies - keep a bullet journal, a sketchbook, make a list and then PICK A THING to focus on.  (Psssst! I also think engaging in some shadow work will be very helpful for us in this area, you'll get why when you see the next card)! 

- The Devil - YO S'UP, DEVIL! By now I bet y'all ain't even scared of this card anymore. Sure, The Devil has some negative associations (and not for nothing, mind), but this card is actually about our true self and deepest desires. If all goes well, we will be getting in touch with our creativity to the fullest extent, without fear of seeing ourselves. The devil reminds us to be aware of our drives, nay - to embrace them - and make them materialize. We are called to move away from self imprisonment from negative thought patterns - to face our fears, and release ourselves from the captivity of our self-imposed limitations. Time to look at your demons, get rid of the ones that hinder rather than help and make friends with the ones that can get shit done. Shadow work y'all, we need to do it. 

Holy smokes you guys. I always begin our weekly readings by asking for guidance in how we can best act to serve for our greatest good as a community - you know, as a whole collective...but this reading felt really personal to me. How is it for you? 

*For those of your unfamiliar with shadow work, there are loads of excellent resources out there, and I highly recommend starting here

 *These three card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!