- Four of Cups - The Cups usually relate to our emotions and heart feelings and this is no exception. This card symbolizes a time for re-evaluation. You may have experienced some boredom, disillusionment and/or unfulfilled expectations. While feeling like this is always a bummer, it can also be a gift - look carefully into your personal value system and decide what needs to change.
- Six of Cups - I know we all didn't have the best childhoods, BUT! Remember what it felt like to go out and play and and have fun? It's time to get back to those childlike feelings and create ease and a gentle space for yourself. Use your imagination and take pleasure in simple joys.
- Queen of Pentacles - This week we are called to embody the characteristics of the Queen of Pentacles - a calm, practical and charitable person. This Queen is a nurturer, particularly concerned with caring for the Earth, as well as all it's inhabitants. She cherishes family, security and comfort - her appearance in this reading reminds us that we need to care for our environment, as well as for our neighbors.
So, I'm going to to kick this off with an UNDERSTATEMENT and say that last week was pretty terrible (elections always are...), with that out of the way, let's break this reading down, shall we?
There's a saying that I love, 'you can either change your situation, or you can change your perspective about the situation.' If you are stuck in a rut or just feeling a let down, it's time for your to take an honest peek under the hood. It's always easier for us to point the finger at others and lay blame for our unhappiness (and sometimes it is totally their fault), but now is the time to look within. Are you engaging in a cycle of behavior that keeps landing you in a bad spot? Are you attracted to unhealthy patterns - or people? Fear and habit keep us in bad places - emotionally speaking - so it's good for all of us to re-examine our relationships and how we engage with others.
I'm super glad that the Six of Cups came up Y'all! We are so serious all the time and forget the simple joys of playtime and creative exploration. Give yourselves some space to have fun and donkey around. Sign up for that dance class that looks fun as hell but scares the crap out of you! Go outside for a walk or run, get some fresh air and keep your eyes peeled for hawks! You've been wanting to dye your hair purple for months now, and I think you should. Think about the things that really sparked you when you were a kid and then explore those things - and be gentle with yourself.
I think the next card is an easy one to summarize thusly; DON'T BE A DICK. Recycle. Turn off the tap when you aren't using it. Work for a local environmental charity that you care about...and while you are at it, take a look at how your own actions affect the land (and people, and critters, etc) around you and make changes to be a better steward to your planet. For the love of all that is holy, be kind to your neighbor and use your skill set and talents to create a better place for those around you. We are all the same under the skin and we all have to share this planet together, so let's do our part to not make our limited time here so awful.
*These three card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!