Hi Y'all - I hope your weekend was good! I painted two huge ceilings and then treated myself to seeing Get Out, which I loved. Have you seen it? I love horror movies and also Jordan Peele, so this was a treat for me - I highly recommend.
Anyways, let's do this thing.
I've missed my Scrying Ink deck lately and really felt like we could use a super direct reading, so I cracked it out for us. These cards are so beautifully illustrated, I've shot them individually so we can get a better look at them!
The Scrying Ink, Mountain - with my paint-splattered, Grandpa hands.
- Mountain - All right. So we are presently facing some difficulties. We are experiencing some significant issues and it feels like things are moving so slowly right now. While our obstacles are no joke, they are not insurmountable...we are just going to be in for a long slog of it.
The Scrying Ink, Dog. WE HAVE DOGES.
- Dog - WE HAVE DOGES, Y'ALL. The Lenormand Dog is a card that signifies friendship, alliances, loyalty, companionship and trust. Our friendships and community are instrumental in times like these and we must remember to help each other when things get tough. We have strength in our numbers and let us not forget what a powerful tool LOVE can be. Also, Dogs!
The Scrying Ink, Crown, which is badass.
- Crown - We are being asked to assume greater positions of responsibility with this card. Finding power in our numbers, we will perhaps be called to instigate great change and take a role of leadership. If you feel uncomfortable with this, believe me, that feeling is normal. I feel like many of us have seen or felt a significant shift towards more spiritual practices - moving away from traditional and outmoded methods while honing our intuitive skills. The Crown is not part of the traditional Lenormand deck, so I believe that it's appearance here is also pushing us to trust our gut and not be so reliant on 'tried and true' pathways. It's time to dig in and get real weird, Y'all!
*These three card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!