{ Magic Monday }

Hi Y'all! Have you had a good summer? It's been a hot minute since I've been able to write, but I've got a fresh, three-card spread to share with you - perhaps one which will be particularly helpful with Mercury all up in Retrograde again. Let's dig in:

Six of Swords, Knight of Wands and the King of Swords from the Pagan Otherworlds tarot deck by Uusi Design; gorgeous Iris printed pelt by Ash Miyagawa

- Six of Swords - This is where we are now. I'm not one bit surprised to see this card, which was the last card I pulled for us in June (a 'no shit, Tarot' type of card if there ever was one...) which represents a change for the better after a period of uncertainty. Through our own introspection, we may be seeing things a little more clearly and finding a new awareness. This card can also signify a journey for some, but is always a reminder that our transitions are cyclical and our experiences are transitory. 

- Knight of Wands - BUT! We may be feeling restless, impatient - eager to get this change of scenery (be it mental, physical or both) over and done with. Our sense of courage and desire for adventure is a useful tool for us here, but it can be causing us to act recklessly if we don't take some time to really contemplate our best steps forward. In short, we must slow our collective roll. 

- King of Swords - If we are able to measure our desire for change with rational guidance - and this type of thing takes time, patience and thoughtful evaluation - then we will be coming into our new passage with wisdom and fairness. It's about taking the higher road these days - no easy feat, not ever - and seeking out counsel when we feel unsure. The exchange of knowledge is one we can all benefit from so don't be too proud to seek it out and by all means share what you know! 

*The beautiful tarot cloth I am using is a printed rabbit pelt created by none other than our own Ash Miyagawa, who has opened an incredible shop wherein you will find botanical illustrations, prints and beautiful, unusual goods! You can visit this shop, here!

 *These tarot card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!    

{ Three Card Monday }

Hi Y'all! Did you have a good break? Mine was excellent, lots of hiking and family time and generally mulling over the brain raccoon fodder I have going on. Let's ease into this week with a little three card pull, eh? 

- Page of Swords - This fuckin' guy. Well, so we've been collecting data and obtaining knowledge and we feel prepared to use it....but we still don't have a handle on the most practical application of this information. I feel like we are ready to jump in two different directions, and each path contradicts the other. This Page harbors some doubts and indecision in the face of potential action. Time for us to knuckle down and make an informed step forward....


- Nine of Wands - The thing to remember here, is that we must be true to ourselves (and this very thing should inform our actions). The wands relate to creative expansion, removing any distracting and extraneous flourishes and really distilling a thing down to it's very essence. The Nine of Wands assures us that our endeavor is not one of futility, that we have earned our place through hard work and tremendous discipline. The nine is a symbol of strength, telling us to accept our challenges rather than avoid them.


- Knight of Swords - Time to do this thing y'all. We are going to have to use our words and use them well in the pursuit of justice and truth. Full disclosure: I can't stand the signs at the airport that read, 'if you see something, say something' but you know, with good judgement this applies here. If you see something fucked up, you need to speak up for yourself and for others. We've done well to inform ourselves, we have worked hard to earn our position here and now we can act with courage and conviction. Fear is the mind killer, y'all - permit it to pass over and through you, and then get going!


- Jeff Goldblum - Let us just take a moment of pause to appreciate the beauty and wisdom found in Jeff Goldblum's Jurassic Park character, Dr. Ian Malcom, fictional mathematician and self-professed 'chaotician'. Enjoy.

 *These three card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!

{Three Card Monday }

Hi Y'all! I hope this finds you well - we have a pretty intense reading for the week, but I think it bodes well for a positive outcome. Shall we take a look?

- The Hermit - We might be feeling a bit like we are in crisis mode lately, and The Hermit's presence is certainly indicative of needing to confront and accept change and also to let go. Crisis can yield positive transformation, the trick here is being able to change our perspective and be receptive to alternate points of view. We are invited to engage in some silent introspection and re-evaluation - this lantern lights the path for real wisdom, Y'all.

- Judgement - Again, we are being given a card which symbolizes transformation and liberation. Judgement exists as a wake-up call for us, the emergence of a vocation and a calling to follow our conscience and intuition and rise above our immediate and personal 'needs'. I can't help but see it as a reminder for us to cultivate empathy, to recognize that if something isn't good for us (me), it isn't good for anybody (humanity). 

- Nine of Swords - If we are able to accept change and let go of the things that no longer serve us as an individual and/or community, well then shit gets really good y'all. Nine of Swords is all about illumination gained through new understanding - we break our old habits and intellectually let go. This card always makes me think of the kind of self-inflicted mental torture we put ourselves through - creating hypothetical issues, often at the expense of dealing with actual, real problems. It's a trap - let's stop falling for it so we can experience real clarity and put our minds towards positive action in the world.



I wanted to post a three card pull that I did for myself last Friday. I borrowed my homegirl's Wild Unkown deck because it always gives such beautiful and clear readings. I felt like the message I received was clear as a bell and also relevant to others who might also be feeling a little scared and lost lately. Check it out:

- The Moon - Yes...I am feeling uncertain and I have fears. (No shit, Tarot).

- The Lovers - But..I have love, partnership, union and the support of the people I love. This is super important.

- Strength - Therefore...I have strength. Not to be super sappy (but I am what I am), love is our greatest gift and tool during difficult times. Love gives us strength to make the impossible come to fruition.

(Nothing drove this message home more clearly than watching y'all come out and march on Saturday! Seeing your beautiful faces turn up on social media outlets moved me to tears, with your excellent signs and open hearts. Thank you for marching and for giving me hope).

 *These three card readings are intended for us all as a community and are therefore broad. If you are interested in a more specific, in-depth reading - we offer individual readings at Oracle as well! If you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual reading, you can do that here or give us a ring at 816.982.9550. You can also join us for one of our monthly Tarot Workshop & Happy Hour events and learn more about cartomancy!